Residential Rainwater Harvesting

Water your garden

This is one of the simplest uses for the water, and often we can use all the rainwater available just keeping the landscaping pretty. Rainwater is BETTER than city water, because it doesn't have chlorine. Also great for washing your car!

Rainwater Harvesting for 100 - 1000 s.f. Vegetable Garden

Drawing and Product Brochures

  • Leafeater Advanced.
  • Plurafit calming inlet.
  • Size tanks with the 1:1:1 ratio. Dura-cast above ground plastic tanks in special colors, Rotoplas for lowest cost, available in sand, black, or green.
  • Grundfos SBA pump is simplest. ElectroVarem controller + 20MD pump is more efficient, more versatile, and less expensive. 120V Power.
  • No standby connection.

Drawing and Product Brochures

Rainwater Harvesting for Whole House with Automatic Irrigation

Drawing and Product Brochures

  • 4" Purain prefilter, 1 per 1500 s.f. of rooftop in Georgia.
  • Plurafit calming inlet, 1 per Purain.
  • Size tanks with the 1:1:1 ratio. Infltrator below-ground tanks, usually 2-5.
  • Interconnect tanks with flexible PVC piping
  • UP pump, 1 HP for a half-acre lot, up to 2 HP for estates. 240V power.
  • Pump start relay, connected to irrigation controller
  • PRV for city water standby connection if you have at least 60 psi. If pressure is lower, Electrovarem controller instead of pump start relay and irrigation valve for standby connection.

Flush your toilets & clean your clothes

The water in these applications is almost safe enough to drink. The industry term is hygenic, safe to touch and swim in, but not recommended for drinking.

  • 4" Purain prefilter, 1 per 1500 s.f. of rooftop in Georgia.
  • Plurafit calming inlet, 1 per Purain.
  • Size tanks with the 1:1:1 ratio. Infltrator below-ground tanks, usually 2-5.
  • Interconnect tanks with flexible PVC piping
  • UP pump, 1 HP for a half-acre lot, up to 2 HP for estates. 240V power.
  • Pump start relay, connected to irrigation controller
  • PRV for city water standby connection if you have at least 60 psi. If pressure is lower, Electrovarem controller instead of pump start relay and irrigation valve for standby connection.

Drinking Rainwater

It's done all the time, but the art has been forgotten in much of the USA. Strain out the leaves and sticks, flush away the first portion of the rainfall, and keep the water cool and dark. We add sterilization in the form of UV light and carbon filtration. Atlanta is one of the few cities in the US with a code approval for residential potable rainwater harvesting.

Drawing and Product Brochures

Contact GWT for sizing recommendations. We will need to know rooftop size, building address, number of occupants, and occupancy rate.

All above-ground tanks sold by GWT are approved for potable use. Approved below-ground are 2 week lead time.


First flush recommended

UP pump

GWT water treatment rack with flushing sediment filters, UV, carbon, and Electrovarem pump controller.

If using a standby connection, use a PRV for city water standby connection if you have at least 60 psi. If pressure is lower, solenoid valve.