Dry Well Calculations

This calculator is used to find the optimal number of Cultec 300 XL HD infiltration chambers required to meet typical stormwater management requirements.

Storage Amount is usually the impervious area in square feet, / 12. This is the volume (in cubic feet) of the first inch of rainfall.

Once you know the approximate number of chambers required, you can try different numbers of rows and columns, to find the right configuration for this job.

Also, check the Total Gravel Requirements. In many cases, it's more cost effective to add a few inches to the gravel base, rather than add an additional chamber (and gravel).

Once you've chosen your configuration, we can send you a custom drawing, either generic or added to your site plan. Fill out your contact information, and attach any drawing you'd like us to use.

Other Underground Retention Design Resources

Cultec Sizing Calculator
All Cultec Chambers. External link.
Drawing Details
PDF of standard drawing detail for Cultec 330 XL HD, the chamber stocked by Georgia Water Tanks
Georgia Stormwater Manual
Sample ordinances, technical guidance, and a volume calcuation tool. From Georgia EPD and the Atlanta Regional Commission. External link.