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We had such a great experience building tanks in the Columbia, SC, area, and Asheville, NC, area, that we want to do more! Georgia Water Tanks is now serving an expanded area, for some of our manufacturers. Please contact us if we can help design or bid on water tanks in central or western Carolinas, […]
Rainwater unsafe to drink due to chemicals: study
Maybe one day I’ll see a concrete cistern that it doesn’t crack. Mystery of why Roman buildings have survived so long has been unraveled, scientists say
Georgia Water Tanks now stocks the Tigerflow Ocelot VFD pump system. We loved the Grundfos MQ pump, but it was discontinued some time ago, and reviews of its replacement have been poor. So we are glad to introduce the Ocelot!
For years I've had to listen to my pump system manufacturer tell me that their systems work great without pressure tanks. All the while, having to supply pressure tanks on almost every system, in order to make the work correctly. Now I can finally tell you the truth: you need a pressure tank with a […]
Ken Riggins picked up a load of chambers today. Each of these is the equivalent of 4 of the little wells. Much faster to install.
This is what America looked like before the EPA cleaned it up